Yes, There is HOPE For Mankind
TO’s / HRM’s / Roman Catholicism / SN’ers / HNO adherents / SDA’s / LDS and JW’s
(basically legalistic judaizers of the Christian Faith) all claim that ‘Man Can
Do It’:
will attain right standing with Yah because of one's works (the obedience to
the LAW) that one has done on earth.”
de ellas será lograr pie derecho con Jesús a causa de las obras de uno (la
obediencia a la ley) que uno ha hecho en la tierra.”
obtiendra droite, debout avec Jésus à cause de ses œuvres (l'obéissance à la
loi) que l'on a fait sur la terre.”
“Unus qui præ iustificavit opera consequi (legi enim) est quod in terra.”
“Unus qui præ iustificavit opera consequi (legi enim) est quod in terra.”
ישיג מעמד תקין עם ישו בגלל מעשיו של אדם (הציות לחוק), כי אחד לא עשה עליי אדמות”
εξ αυτών θα επιτευχθεί σωστή στάση με τον Ιησού, λόγω των έργων του (η υπακοή
στο ΝΟΜΟ) ότι κάποιος έχει κάνει στη γη
Chinese (simplified)
In Japanese
name which is above ALL names is the name of God (Christ / Messiah), not the linguistic
rendering of said name. And just like
the Almighty creator of the universe and everything in it, is not bound by man’s
limited finite understanding of or for linguistic renderings of a name, neither
is God (Christ / Messiah) bound by only accepting mankind’s efforts, wherein
said efforts were ‘good enough’. Why?
Works-based (Observance of Torah) salvation beliefs sets one up for being in the arduous position of A) calling the Almighty a “LIAR”; B) effectively renders Christ’s / Messiah’s death (crucifixion) in vain; and C) (as we read in 1 John 1:10, James 2:10 and Isaiah 64:5-6) is absolutely impossible to achieve. The Word tells us that it is quite impossible to ever be ‘good enough’ for God’s (Christ’s / Messiah’s) PERFECT standard. So what hope is there for us? Is there hope for mankind? Yes! Read on . . .
The HOPE that mankind has, is found in God’s (Christ’s /Messiah’s) Grace. As we can also read in Habakkuk 2:4, Ephesians 2:8 & 9, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:38 (look them up – comparative Bible online)
Works-based (Observance of Torah) salvation beliefs sets one up for being in the arduous position of A) calling the Almighty a “LIAR”; B) effectively renders Christ’s / Messiah’s death (crucifixion) in vain; and C) (as we read in 1 John 1:10, James 2:10 and Isaiah 64:5-6) is absolutely impossible to achieve. The Word tells us that it is quite impossible to ever be ‘good enough’ for God’s (Christ’s / Messiah’s) PERFECT standard. So what hope is there for us? Is there hope for mankind? Yes! Read on . . .
The HOPE that mankind has, is found in God’s (Christ’s /Messiah’s) Grace. As we can also read in Habakkuk 2:4, Ephesians 2:8 & 9, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11 and Hebrews 10:38 (look them up – comparative Bible online)
Jesus, NO peace” and yet, “Know Jesus, KNOW peace”
does one get to “know” Jesus? Simple,
invite Him into your heart, as Jesus says: “Here I am! I stand at the door and
knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with
him, and he with me.” [Revelation 3:20 NIV] How can we be assured that this Jesus stuff
means anything, well because the Bible tells us so, as the Apostle Paul wrote:
you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart
that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess
your faith and are saved.” [Romans 10:9-10 NIV]
for those of you who say to me, I can’t be bothered reading the Bible, “it’s
confusing” or “it’s a waste of my time”, may I draw your attention to what the
Bible says about wisdom: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and
knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” [Proverbs 9:10 NIV]
nothing else, PLEASE read two chapters from the Bible – (don’t own one, sorry
NO excuse, if you’re reading this,
you can access this:
John 3 and John 14!
John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his
one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have
eternal life.”
And John 14:6 says: “Jesus answered,
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except
through me.”
that’s it, that’s Da Bauz’s take on, HOPE For Mankind, this 13th day of February,
2014 © 2014, All Rights Reserved. wr (Da Bauz, Christian Zionist “creationist”