Thursday 28 June 2018

KJV - inerrant, perfect, or even remotely “inspired”

KJV - inerrant, perfect, or even remotely “inspired”

#‎RAD ‪#‎ATEND G-d (Christ) ‪#‎IIC714

KJV - inerrant, perfect, or even remotely “inspired”

Question for you... well a few questions, really...

1.      Are you familiar with the Groups like HRM, “TO”, Sacred Names, etc?
2.      Would you agree that elitism is, if not simply bad, at least can be very misplaced?
3.      Would you agree (perhaps should have been the first question) John 14;6 and Acts 4:12 are immutable points?
4.      Would you agree that any Group which states - “we have the best, really the only true and accurate, means of accessing Jesus” - is preaching a form of elitism which is NOT Biblical?
5.      Would you agree that paraphrasing is not only “okay”, on occasion, but in fact a vital rudimentary form of communication?

Next to last question:

6.      This paraphrase - “...being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage.” - from Philippians 2:6, which is a paraphrased explanation of the KJV rendering for "...being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God." - Philippians 2:6, KJV

Is that ^^^ paraphrase, acceptable, reasonable or is it just “dead wrong”?

Final Question, two parts:

7.      Part A)

In Exodus 20:13 & Deuteronomy 5:17 we see they both say - “Thou shalt not kill” - in the KJV

In Exodus 21:12, 15, 16, 17 & 29, we see that they all say - “...put to death.” - in the KJV

Doesn't the phrase (as found in Exodus 21:12, 15, 16, 17 & 29) -  'put to death' - not mean “to kill”?   Yes, clearly it does.  Yet, again as we just read in Exodus 20:13 & Deuteronomy 5:17 - G-d (Christ) said - “do NOT *Kill*...” - is this NOT an apparent contradiction?

We often offer, as an explanation for this, “apparent contradiction”, that - “In the KJV, in the verses found in Exodus 20:13 & Deuteronomy 5:17, when we read the words “do not kill”, we must understand that in the context of the Ten Commandments they are being used in sense of, or they *really* mean - “do not murder”.  Have you ever used that, or something like that as an explanation for why there appears to be an apparent disparity between the words “do NOT kill” as found in Exodus 20:13 & Deuteronomy 5:17, and the words “put to death” found in Exodus 21:12, 15, 16, 17 & 29?  I have.  And I’ve heard many Christian also use that very explanation.

Notice now though, that if we read those same passages in the NIV (Yes, the "EVIL" and allegedly horribly “corrupted” NIV) it says, in both cases, for Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17 - “You shall not murder.”

Notice also that, in the NIV in Exodus 21:12, 15, 16, 17 & 29, the words (which agree with the KJV here) all say - “...put to death.”

While the words 'put to death' (capital punishment) and 'kill' clearly mean, pretty much the same thing, the words 'murder' and 'put to death' (capital punishment) do not even remotely mean, or imply, the same things.  Did the KJV translators add to, alter or otherwise take away from the Sacred texts?  Isn't it interesting that, with the 'perfect' (even “inspired”) KJV, Exodus 20:13 & Deuteronomy 5:17 both require SECONDARY EXPLANATIONS to “splain” away why one Chapter of Exodus (20) says 'do not kill', yet in the very next Chapter, (the 21st), it says, 'put to death' (execute, or 'kill')... these are seemingly contradictory directives.

But... that "evil" NIV requires no such Secondary Explanations!

Part A) question - why is the KJV superior?

Part B)

In the TaNaKh (the Christian Old Testament), Jonah 1:17, we read:

“...the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah.” - KJV

But.... in that the “EVIL” and allegedly “corrupted” NIV we read...

“...the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah” - NIV

Wait... there's almost NO difference between the words...  "great fish" or "huge fish"...

Jump forward to Jesus’ Word's about His soon coming death, and Resurrection, Matthew 12:40:

“ the whale’s belly...” - KJV

“ the belly of a huge fish...”

And we have a HUGE, yuuuuuuge, difference between the words used...  “huge fish” and “whale” ...

Part B) question - is the KJV really superior?

The words translated into English for Matthew 12, in the KJV translation, do NOT agree with the words used in Jonah, in the KJV...  a whale is NOT a huge fish.

But, the words translated into English for Matthew 12, in the NIV translation, DO agree with the words used in Jonah, in the NIV...  a huge fish is... a huge fish.

The Hebrew word used in Jonah, dag, pronounced 'dawg' ( דָּאג ), means fish, not whale.  While the Greek word  kétos, pronounced 'kay'-tos' ( κῆτος ) can legitimately mean either fish or whale.  One word, “fish”, agrees with the passage in Jonah, the other word, “whale”, does not agree with the passage in Jonah.

In fact, the Hebrew word tannin, pronounced 'tan-neen' ' ( תַּנִּין ), which can be found in Job 7:12; Ezekiel 32:2 and Ezekiel 32:2, and which can be translated into English as:

dragon, sea-monster, serpent, or whale

is NOT used in Jonah.

As one can see from Job 7:12; Ezekiel 32:2 & Isaiah 27:1 the English word “whale”, which is derived from Hebrew the word tannin, pronounced 'tan-neen' ' ( תַּנִּין ), is not the same Hebrew word used in Jonah.  The point?

The point is simple.  Is the KJV a bad Bible?  NO!  Is the KJV inerrant, perfect, or even remotely "inspired"?  NO!

Is the NIV a bad Bible?  NO!  Is the NIV inerrant, perfect, or even remotely "inspired"?  Also, NO!


“No Jesus, NO peace” and yet, “Know Jesus, KNOW peace”

How does one get to “know” Jesus?  Simple, invite Him into your heart, as Jesus says: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” [Revelation 3:20 NIV]  How can be assured that this Jesus stuff means anything?  Well because the Bible tells us so, as the Apostle Paul wrote:

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” [Romans 10:9-10 NIV]

And for those of you who say to me, I can’t be bothered reading the Bible, “it’s confusing” or “it’s a waste of my time”, may I draw your attention to what the Bible says about wisdom: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” [Proverbs 9:10 NIV]

If nothing else, PLEASE read two chapters from the Bible – (don’t own one, sorry NO excuse, if you’re reading this, you can access this: John 3 and John 14!

John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

And John 14:6 says: “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Well that’s it, that’s Da Bauz’s Take on, “the KJV inerrant, perfect, or even remotely "inspired"” – this 28th day of June 2018 © 2018, All Rights Reserved. wr (Da Bauz, Christian Zionist “creationist” too!)

Just sayin’...

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem...

What is #RAD? #RAD is:

R epent of rejecting Christ
A ccept Christ as your Lord
D evelop your relationship with G-d

#RAD your relationship with the Living Almighty God Himself as your personal Lord and Saviour depends on it!

What is #ATEND G-d (Christ)?  Ask me!

What is #IIC714?

II 2nd
C hronicles

John 3:16, Revelation 3:20, Romans 10:9 -10, Revelation 21:27, II Corinthians 5:21 and I John 5:13 / John 20:31!


Cited or consulted sources, references and resources, “Bible Hub”, “Bible Gateway”, “”, “”, “The Bible Project”, “Biblia”, “Bible Study Tools”, “Blue Letter Bible”

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