Friday 29 January 2021



National Socialist American Workers’ Party (DemocRat NSAAP) - [Neue nationalsozialistische amerikanische Arbeiterpartei (neo-nazi)]

#‎RAD #Rms1vs19to21 #‎ATEND G-d (Christ) #‎IIC714

And please remember folks that, there’s just absolutely #noKnowledgeAbsentGd!

Is the U.S. Democrat Party, of 2021, Fascist and / or neo-Nazi in terms of fundamental values, practices, and platforms?

During the 1920’s, just over one hundred years ago, a man named Adolf Hitler, who joined the political party then known, in 1919, as the "Deutsche Arbeiterpartei", or DAP (which is the German Workers' Party), changed to the name in 1920 to the "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei", or NSDAP (the ‘National Socialist German Workers' Party, also more commonly known as... the Nazi Party). [1]   Through the years 1919 to the mid 1930’s, Hitler and his ilk, embarked on a systematic campaign of purifying the NSDAP.  The purge began first with dissenters, those who dared to even question, never mind outright defy, the Führer’s gawd-like ego’s edicts being censored, then eventually censured, even arrested, and removed from the Reichstag [2] / Reichsrat [2]. 

In 1933, on Monday 27 February 1933, the Reichstag [2] building (the German parliament or legislative building) was intentionally set ablaze, in an act of arson [3] dubbed, “The Reichstag Fire”. [3]  Conspiracy theories abound, I mean... who in their right mind would set their own Country’s Capitol Building on fire, or initiate a violent siege of said Capitol Building (6 January 2021 Washington, DC), right?  Irrespective of conspiracy theories regarding the cause of this fire, “The Nazi leadership and its German Nationalist coalition partners exploited the fire to persuade [the sitting] President Paul von Hindenburg…” A) that members of other parties within the German legislature were actively “…planning a violent uprising to derail [the nation’s stability, claiming] that emergency legislation was needed to prevent this.” [3] - and B) “… [to suspend] the right to assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and other constitutional protections, including all restraints on police investigations.” - ALL in the name of Protecting the Reich (the land, or country).

On March 23, 1933, less than one month after “The Reichstag Fire”, the Nazi’s passed something dubbed the “The Enabling Act” [4] “The Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Reich”.  Under this Act, the Nazi’s placed Hitler in a position of absolute (E.O.-writing) dictatorial power, “[allowing Hitler] … to enact laws, including ones that violated the Weimar Constitution, without approval of either parliament or Reich President…” [4]

Did you catch that?  Allowing the dictatorial leader (das Führer Beijing-Biden) to:

“…enact laws [Executive Orders], including ones that violated the Constitution, without approval of either parliament (Congress)…” or the Senate and even ignored by the Supreme Court! [4]

“…the passage of this law depended upon a two-thirds majority vote in [the Reich] … to ensure the [desired] outcome… [the Nazi’s] prevented… [members of other German legislative Parties] from taking their seats, [even] detaining [some of] them in so-called protective detention in Nazi-controlled camps.”  And, as already mentioned above, “The Supreme Court did nothing to challenge the legitimacy of this measure.  Instead, it accepted the majority vote, overlooking the absence of the… [members of the other German legislative Parties] who were under arrest.” [4]

Now, the point of all of the above isn’t be all doom, gloom, and despair...  It is instead, I hope N’ pray, intended as a good, perhaps even an abrupt, wake-up call… alas, all is NOT glib and hopeless.  All of these things going on, from the persecution of the Jews, to the very repetition of history (Ecclesiastes 1:10 - “Is there a case where one can say, "Look, this is new"? It has already existed in the ages before us.” See also Ecclesiastes 3:15 and 6:10, go ahead, L@@K them up, it’ll do your heart and soul some real good) have all been foretold, long, long ago. 

Oh, and for all y’all nay-sayers who want to claim that - “That level of blatant anti-Semitism just isn’t seen, these days.” or that there’s no “War on Free Speech” - I sincerely pray your eyes be opened.  In the meantime, please…

“No Jesus, NO peace” and yet, “Know Jesus, KNOW peace”

How does one get to “know” Jesus?  Simple, invite Him into your heart, as Jesus says: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” [Revelation 3:20 NIV]  How can be assured that this Jesus stuff means anything?  Well because the Bible tells us so, as the Apostle Paul wrote:

“If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” [Romans 10:9-10 NIV]

And for those of you who say to me, I can’t be bothered reading the Bible, “it’s confusing” or “it’s a waste of my time”, may I draw your attention to what the Bible says about wisdom: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” [Proverbs 9:10 NIV]

If nothing else, PLEASE read two chapters from the Bible – (don’t own one, sorry NO excuse, if you’re reading this, you can access this: John 3 and John 14!

John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

And John 14:6 says: “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Well, that’s it, that’s Da Bauz’s Take on, “Is the U.S. Democrat Party Fascist” – this 29th day of January 2021 © 2021, All Rights Reserved. wr (Da Bauz, Christian Zionist “creationist” too!)

Just sayin’...

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem...

What is #RAD? #RAD is:

R epent of rejecting Christ

A ccept Christ as your Lord

D evelop your relationship with G-d

#RAD your relationship with the Living Almighty God Himself as your personal Lord and Saviour depends on it!

What is #ATEND G-d (Christ)?  Ask me!

What is #IIC714?

II 2nd

C hronicles


John 3:16, Revelation 3:20, Romans 10:9 -10, Revelation 21:27, II Corinthians 5:21 and I John 5:13 / John 20:31!



Cited or consulted sources, references, and resources

[1] - “Adolf Hitler's rise to power” -

[2] - Reichstag (one of two branches of the German government, see also Reichsrat) referring the “lower house”, similar to the House of Commons (Canada and the UK) or Congress (U.S.), was the Legislative branch.  The Reichsrat, or upper house, similar to the House of Lords (the UK) or Senate (U.S. and Canada), had limited powers, for although it could veto a law passed in the Reichstag (only with a two-thirds majority) it could not initiate any legislation. - - “U Oregon”

[3] “The Reichstag Fire” - - “Holocaust Encyclopedia”

[4] “The Enabling Act” - - “Holocaust Encyclopedia”, “Bible Hub”, “Bible Gateway”, “”, “”, “The Bible Project”, “Biblia”, “Bible Study Tools”, “Blue Letter Bible”


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